Buy with confidence from a trusted source

We source our trading cards from authorized distributors only, so you can be sure that you're getting the real deal. Our cards are guaranteed authentic, so you can rest easy knowing that your investment is safe.


We understand that counterfeit trading cards can be a major problem, especially for collectors who want to be sure that their cards are genuine. That's why we only source our cards from trusted sources who have a proven track record of providing authentic products.


When you buy from us, you can be confident that you're getting the real deal. Our cards are guaranteed authentic, so you can rest easy knowing that your investment is safe.

Booster BOX・CASE

Full lineup of items

Have you ever struggled to collect low unit price cards from the following series or rarities?



・Tag Team

・Reverse Holo

・GX etc.


This is just an example, but you may not be able to find them in many stores.

Check our store!

Your problem will be solved!

Can choose the Card condition

Many stores do not separate card conditions. 


This is a serious problem for collectors. It is hard to get your hands on the most popular and priciest items. 


However, my store does separate card conditions. 


If you are not interested in grading and want to focus on collecting, please consider dropping the card condition.

Card Condition Guideline

Bulk order available

It is difficult to find the same product in various stores. 


You lose a lot of time. 


But in our store, you can place a bulk order with a single payment. 


You can efficiently assemble your collection.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


・Ordered item did not arrive

・Item arrived damaged

・Item does not match the description etc...


There are a few conditions for refunds, but if you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.


We are here to help you.

More Details

Reply within 24 hours

We can answer questions within 24 hours via our inquiry form. 


However, if you want a quicker reply, you can use our Instagram message.


If you follow us, please follow us as we post information about new Japanese Pokémon cards and rare products in our stories!

Check out Instagram