Campaign Period(Japan Time)

"1/24/2024" - "1/31/2024"

"Limited to 1 week" Campaign to buy single cards at MAX 12% OFF!!!

①Use the coupon code below to save 7% off the product price when you order 3 or more Pokémon or One Piece cards of your choice!


★Get a Coupon Code★ 




②You will also receive 5% off when you create an account with us!


Combined with the 7% off coupon above, you can save up to 12% off your purchase!


Please receive your coupon code by email after completing your account creation!


*Don't worry, you can cancel your account at any time after it has been created.


Tap the image below to go to the account creation screen!!
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These coupon codes can be used together! Save up to 12% off your shopping!

The image below will be available at checkout, please check the discount rate.

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Campaign Notes

  • 7% off coupon does not apply to discounts on items other than single cards.
  • After account creation 5% OFF coupon applies to Booster BOX and Deck Set other than single cards.

↓↓Tap to Find your favorite card!↓↓