Let's use the search ber!

Welcome to our online Pokémon card store! When you're here for the first time, feel free to use the search bar to find your favorite Pokémon or products. Happy hunting!

For example,



'Master ball'


's12a' etc...

you can discover information related to them!

Please use PayPal if you are worried about purchasing!

 First-time buyers, if you're feeling unsure about your purchase, we recommend using PayPal to shop with confidence. PayPal offers a Buyer protection program that ensures a secure transaction. Shop worry-free with us by choosing PayPal as your payment method.

*About Buyer protection program

Active on SNS as well!

We run an Instagram account dedicated to Japanese Pokémon, featuring the latest updates and showcasing rare items. In our stories, we often offer hard-to-find products and engage with many satisfied customers. Feel free to give our Instagram a follow when you first use our store!

Visit our Instagram

Ask me anything you don't understand about the website!

Please feel free to contact us via Instagram or WhatsApp as well as the Contact Form.


Now let's go find your favorite Pokémon card!


 Going to look for Pokémon cards>>>